Thursday, September 07, 2006

Image is Everything

I came in to school this evening to go over some CTs and MRIs before Friday's neuroanatomy bellringer. Well, I found the lab quite crowded, so I decided on a bit of websurfing first. I'm looking into a new camera, so I dug around a bit on what was out there. See, I bought my current camera, a Canon EOS A2E back in 1993 or so, and although it's a decent camera, I'm not happy with its auto-exposures. This summer, I had to resort to manual exposure for about half my pics, which slows things down considerably, and results in a lot of lost shots. I see so many nicely exposed pics on el cheapo digital cameras these days, that I think I should be able to find a film camera that does a better job than my current one. Anyways, first I noticed that my current camera body sells for about CAN$100 on ebay, which isn't great.

When I looked at current models, I found something interesting. The Canon EOS 1V, which is six years old at this point, records all the exposure and time info for all pics you take, and you can download that info to your computer. This would solve my other big current photo problem: all my photos are time-stamped with the time I scanned them, not the time I shot them, which sucks, database-wise. So, if I bought a 1V, all I'd have to do is write a little program to take that info and write it into my image headers, and I'd be a happy camper once again. Throw in some GPS tagging, and nothing could stop me! Anyways, all that is just a moderately expensive dream at this point.

Oh, and after actually looking at those MRIs, I finally set up a little photo gallery for public perusal, but unfortunately, it seems that google locks out everybody that doesn't have a picasaweb account, so it's kind of useless. I guess I should try flickr next...


med neophyte said...

I had no problem viewing the pictures; they're beautiful. I particularly like ones with the lions on the hill and the panorama.

Tall Medstudent said...

Well, that's good to hear. It kept asking me to log in before allowing me to see the gallery...

Lucas said...

The guy is totally just, and there is no skepticism.
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