Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Fine Line

On Saturday night, two of my classmates dragged me out to see 'Walk the Line'. Down in number from last weekend, we merely constituted a 'Triangle of Nerds'. I'll admit that I was hesitant to see it, since Joaquin Phoenix almost ruined 'Gladiator' for me. However, here, his wooden, lifeless acting was not much of a detriment to the film, given that for most of the time, he was supposed to be drunk, stoned, high, pissed, or in withdrawal. The rest of the time, he just looked either anxious or frightened. Anyways, it was actually a great film, with a great story to tell. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get Reese Witherspoon and her momma to come save me. Is not knowing how to roast a nice, juicy turkey, sufficient?

After the movie, we hit Montana's again. The rib tips appetizer was awesome, the mile high ice cream cake was great. I declared, 'This is the best night ever!' Unfortunately, after getting through the fried cheesecake, for about three seconds, I was almost positive that I was going to ralph. So, at 1:20 a.m., arteries unhappy, we stumbled out of the restaurant, back into the cold night of reality.


Bil The Man said...

Dammit man. That is exactly how I felt about the movie. Of course, you know how much I love the Cash. His version of Johnny 99 still moves me. Man I miss you dude!

Tall Medstudent said...

Well, they closed down the auto plant in Mahwah late that month...